V. V E N. B O K A R R I N P O C H E
Very Venerable Bokar Rinpoche was born in Tibet in 1940, and became the heart son of V.V. Kalu Rinpoche. He was recognized at the age of four by the 16th Karmapa as the Bokar tulku, and was educated at the Bokar Monastery, and later at Tsurphu Monastery, the main seat of the Karmapas.
At a very young age, he assumed full leadership of the Bokar Monastery. In 1960, he and members of his community fled Tibet and went into exile in India, where he became a close disciple of the eminent meditation master Kalu Rinpoche. After years of traditional instruction from Kalu Rinpoche, he led both Karma Kagyu and Shangpa Kagyu three year retreats.
One of the remarkable legacies of Bokar Rinpoche is the development of the unique, twelve-year-long Mahamudra and Yidam Seminar Program. It allows lay Westerners to remain involved with family and community while nourishing a daily Dharma practice. Through this program, hundreds of students worldwide have received Dharma instruction in India, France and North America.