L O C A L P R O T E C T O R S ( L O K A P A L A S )

Lokapalas are the four Guardian Kings, or local protectors— each is identified by one of the four cardinal directions, a color, and a specific symbol.

  • Vaisravana (he who hears everything), the Guardian of the North, is yellow in color, carries an umbrella, and is associated with wealth, symbolized by a mongoose, spewing jewels. Vaisravana is sometimes also represented as Kubera, who has the same attributes.

  • Dhrtarastra (he who keeps harmony in the land), the Guardian of the East, is white in color, and carries a stringed instrument. He is compassionate and is associated with music, which he uses to convert others to Buddhism.

  • Virudhaka (he who causes growth), the Guardian of the South, is blue in color, carries a sword, is known for being the ruler of the wind, and causing the growth of crops.

  • Virupaksha (he who sees all), the Guardian of the West, is red in color, carries a snake or a red cord representing a dragon. He is associated with his all seeing eye in the sky, and his broad perspective.