L O C A L P R O T E C T O R S ( L O K A P A L A S )
Lokapalas are the four Guardian Kings, or local protectors— each is identified by one of the four cardinal directions, a color, and a specific symbol.
Vaisravana (he who hears everything), the Guardian of the North, is yellow in color, carries an umbrella, and is associated with wealth, symbolized by a mongoose, spewing jewels. Vaisravana is sometimes also represented as Kubera, who has the same attributes.
Dhrtarastra (he who keeps harmony in the land), the Guardian of the East, is white in color, and carries a stringed instrument. He is compassionate and is associated with music, which he uses to convert others to Buddhism.
Virudhaka (he who causes growth), the Guardian of the South, is blue in color, carries a sword, is known for being the ruler of the wind, and causing the growth of crops.
Virupaksha (he who sees all), the Guardian of the West, is red in color, carries a snake or a red cord representing a dragon. He is associated with his all seeing eye in the sky, and his broad perspective.