M A N D A L A S, Y A N T R A S, A N D T E A C H I N G T H A N G K A S

The Tibetan mandala is a symbolic diagram of the universe. It is an extra dimensional view of the cosmos as a palace showing all four cardinal directions and a view from above, simultaneously. Additionally, it can function as a vision of time-space awareness.

  • Each mandala has a deity in the center of the symbolic palace, showing the gates of the four directions.

  • Yantras are a geometric diagram used as a meditation aid in Vajrayana Buddhism. For example the six pointed star, or a double triangle, is the yantra for Vajrayogini.

  • Teaching thangkas consist in two major forms— the Refuge Tree, and the Wheel of Life.

    • The Refuge Tree is a meditation aid for beginning practitioners to visualize teachers of their lineage, as well as their connection to all sentient beings.

    • The Wheel of Life is an important teaching tool to demonstrate the importance of how Karma creates rebirth in any one of the six realms: humans, gods, demi-gods, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell realms.