S E R T H A N G S, M A R T H A N G S, & N A G T H A N G S
These three categories of thangkas are created for special occasions to commemorate auspicious events, and are designed to honor lamas, enlightened beings, or specific deities as as offering.
Serthang - This Tibetan word combines the first syllable of the two words, serpo (gold) and thangka (painting), hence serthang, or gold painting. Two kinds of gold are used for serthangs, shell gold and gold leaf— the term shell gold comes from the practice of keeping in a seashell. Gold leaf is applied more rarely than shell gold. All serthangs have a gold background.
Marthang - The word marthang means “red painting”. The design of the painting is usually gold lines on red, and occasionally a dark red or black will be used as well. In both serthangs and marthangs, the choice of deity is almost always a peaceful one.
Nagthang - This word means “black thangka”, where the entire background is painted black. Generally, nagthangs depict wrathful deities, such as Dharma protectors like Mahakala, Palden Lhamo,Yamantaka, Vajra Bhairav, etc. Red, white, and gold lines on the black background can create a mysterious atmosphere in flickering light, which could influence the mood of the practice.